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a few to get you started

Blogs @20!

An MIT tradition since August 6, 2004,
and the most authentic way to learn what it's like to be an MIT student.
7,490 blogs and counting...

dear frosh: here are the things we want you to know

Illustrated blogger headshot of Allan K.

Allan K. '17

take a look

pictures from a month
into classes

Illustrated blogger headshot of Richard O.

Richard O. '28

read full post

An MIT Underwear ExposE (and Sorting Hat)

Illustrated blogger headshot of Lydia K.

Lydia K. '14, MEng '16

click me

just another manic wednesday

Illustrated blogger headshot of Shuli J.

Shuli J. '22, MEng '23

you in?

so you're starting your first year?

Illustrated blogger headshot of Kanokwan T.

Kanokwan T. '25

let's do this!


Illustrated blogger headshot of Jessica Z.

Jessica Z. '27

link to blog

A Week in the Life of a Student-Athlete

Illustrated blogger headshot of Emiko P.

Emiko P. '25

read now

Although of course you end up becoming yourself

Illustrated blogger headshot of Chris Peterson.

Chris Peterson SM '13

link to many worlds