Explore what awaits

Learn by doing hands-on research from day one

Student looking at a circuit board.


At MIT, every student—first year or senior, scientist or humanist—has the chance to work on cutting-edge research through UROP, the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

UROPs (as we affectionately call them) cultivate and support research partnerships between undergrads and world-class faculty to solve problems no one has solved before. Most undergrads UROP (yes, it is also a verb), usually for pay, sometimes for academic credit, and more than half take part in four or more.

tldr: UROPing follows a basic rule of thumb—if you want one, you will find one.


MISTI, or MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives, matches students with fully-funded internship, research, or teaching opportunities abroad. The program supports MIT’s educational mission by creating hands-on, international learning experiences for undergrads. Through MISTI you'll collaborate with MIT faculty and their counterparts all over the world.

You'll explore your host country’s language, culture, history, and politics, and gain new perspectives that will help you imagine your future as a participant and leader in an interconnected world.

Students working with wires in a lab.
Students looking at paper models.


undergrads who take part in research


companies collaborating on faculty and student research


students who participated in an educational or work experience abroad


MIT’s motto, Mens et Manus (Mind and Hand), reflects how we teach, learn, and think about solving problems.

At MIT, almost every undergraduate participates in at least one research program with MIT faculty. Our strong maker culture is reinforced by student traditions and activities that celebrate the value of creating beautiful, useful, ingenious, and interesting things.


At MIT, we want to make sure you're prepared to succeed professionally once you graduate. The Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program (UPOP) is a yearlong professional development program that prepares sophomores—regardless of major—to thrive in their careers.

And our Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD) office is open to all undergrads. They host career fairs, resume workshops, and advising appointments. Whether you're entering the professional sector, continuing on to grad school, or looking at fellowship opportunities, CAPD has you covered.